Tuesday 31 May 2016


For the brief Kaitiakitanga we had to  "identify small actions that we do in everyday life which can have a big impact". For our group we decided to do the set topic of Food Waste, we wanted to show how easily someone could make an impact as one simply needs to be conscious about what they're buying and throwing away. We targeted adults, particularly ones that buy and make food for a household. To do this we decided to use a 50s/60s art style as it is more appealing to an older audience and also sets our designs aside as unique. Our video is simple but gets the main points cemented in the viewers mind and our website follows on from the video for further information in an easy to read and accessible format. We think our group successful completed the brief and are proud of our finished product. In future we would probably pay more attention to our videos transitions as the mainly consist of fades and the timing could be tightened up a bit.

Sunday 29 May 2016

Video (web version)

Here is a copy of our final video. It has been compressed heavily for web so the quality isn't great. Please see our website on stream for the best quality version.

Sound effects

We decided against using sound effects for our video. We felt that the soundtrack had quite a noticeable beat running through, and didn't leave a whole lot of room for extra sound effects. Also, some of our animations feature things that don't really have recognisable sounds. In the end, we felt that using sound effects wouldn't really add anything to the video, and might complicate the audio in general.


For our backing track, we wanted something fairly upbeat and simple, but also suited the sort of 50s/60s illustration we had.

We initially looked at this track:

However, we found it was perhaps not as lighthearted or upbeat as we wanted.

Eventually we decided on a royalty free track from bensound.com called "Jazzy Frenchy", which we thought suited our video well.


All illustrations

Early animation